Naturally...there were leftovers! Eeek! Thankfully, it was weigh-in day, which helped fight the temptation to dabble in the goodies. However, Treat Thursday was just around the corner. I am an expert at developing "rationale" for anything I want. "I'll take excuses for 300, Alex..."
Therefore, I used the remaining items to create a parfait - layer of graham cracker crumbs, pudding middle, little more graham cracker crumbs, whip cream, caramel drizzle and cookie crumble topping. This is not something I would have ever put in my mouth before. I hate pie. I hate pudding.
Yet, I drooled over this dessert and then shoveled it aboard a BOSS!
It's so funny that once you cut a few things out, absolutely anything is good. It reminded of my Boston trip train bagel - best damn bagel EVAH! I mean - who doesn't love a bagel that has been sealed in a plastic bag for god knows how long, toasted in who knows what kind of compact technology on this mini diner cart using a reusable, who knows what has been on there tinfoil tray. Yummers! But I'm tellin' bagel EVAH. I put that thing away - you guessed it - like a BOSS.
I also completed the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred a BOSS!
Confession: I have had this video for awhile. I have tried it here and there, and never been able to finish it. I get frustrated with not being able to complete the exercises properly or accurately, and use this as an excuse to quit. For some reason, I never had the will power to continue and ultimately finish the work out. If I didn't have another single success this week, I would still be happy to only announce that I finished this work out!
But, it did not start off so promising. Becca popped that video in and I will be honest - I was lying on the couch protesting.
But, she got my ass up and going. A few minutes in, Becca and I are moving and grooving - I'm starting to feel it, I'm getting pumped up...
Me: This isn't so bad!
Her: Uh..this is only the warm up.
Me: Oh.
Things improved, though. I really was enjoying how the video was set up:
And then...
Jillian: Are you feeling it? I'm feeling it!
Me: Are you kidding, Jillian? I've done more of these exercises than you keep wandering off to talk to your friends!
We hit the 15 minute mark...Woohoo! Light at the end of the tunnel.
20 minutes...we're still going?! WTF, Jillian!
23 minutes...Forget you Jillian, you said this work out was 20 minutes!
25 minutes...Hallelujah! I survived.
We're finished. Ya know, should really add that the warm up is not included in that 20 minute time frame.
But...I did it. I finally finished this video, and somewhat successfully I might add. I did follow the modified version. For some exercises that included putting pressure on my knees, I used my exercise ball. At times, I even modified the modification. But I did it, and I will do it again, and again, and again. Until I don't have to modify the modification. Until I don't have to modify at all! Gotta start somewhere, right?
I also managed to have a decent weigh-in this week. I had another commitment on Wednesday as well as a snow day. Thinking I would not be weighing in, I had a nice big breakfast, a big lunch - and then my meeting was canceled! Oh dear. Naturally, I said "I'll skip, I'm not prepared." But Becca reminded me of my own advice: FAM. I just had to face it, accept it and move on.
So I went to weigh-in, fairly certain I would gain and managed to lose 1.2 - even with my excessive eating that day.
I am officially down 15.6lbs. Now I am working towards my 20lb. loss (within 2 weigh-ins, on March 11/15). Small goals work well for me - start somewhere, right? Modify the modification if you have to - but set yourself up for success.