How is it that when you actually and finally have nothing to do, all you can do is nothing? And, when you have something(s) to do, you tend to do everything? Hold on...let me explain. I've commented on this before. When I have a day - which is few and far between - where I have nothing on my plate and I can therefore create my own schedule for the day and do what I need to do...a perfect day to get in my work outs and plan meals, I don't. I end up doing nothing at all. However, when I have a jam packed day - work, school, Girl Guides, Cheer...I am more inclined to squeeze something into every last possible minute and push my time to the extreme, acting like a nut case along the way.
Since I live in NB, Canada, students and staff of the school system have a week off. Perfect!
Miss Rice Last Week:
"I'm going to work out twice per day."
"I think I'll plan ahead a bit, make up some meal plans."
"I can't wait to research some new recipes."
"I'm kind of happy I can't afford a vacation, then I don't have to worry about vacation weight gain!"
Miss Rice This Week:
"Man, I have eaten like I was on vacation!"
"Geez, I've fallen off the wagon a bit."
"Have I worked out at all this week?"
"What are we going to have for supper?"
Yet, I guarantee that when I'm back at it full force next week, I'll be juggling it all (like a boss). I guess I just love the chaos.
The last few weeks, I've been waiting for my plateau to strike. I've been very concerned about having to mutter, "I gained". I REALLY thought this week was going to be my first gain and I (Hallelujah!) stayed the same! Phew.
There is nothing wrong with gaining. Inevitably, it is going to happen to all of us at some point. At times, I think it would be nice to just get it over with. My losses have been dwindling down, I did not lose this week - which means a gain may be just around the corner. I know the level of will power I have (or don't have). After that first gain, that first defeat - I fall apart. It has been 7 weeks, I have not gained yet, but I must keep plugging away because I still don't feel like I could personally overcome a gain quite yet. It's time for "the change".
I know many of my supporters are in this same boat. I hear from so many of you personally (which I love). I've received so many great messages from people who love the blog, who feel inspired and those who message to support me. One common thing I hear is that they have hit their plateau, they are not seeing any weight loss, etc. You, too are ready for "the change". Don't doubt, do the do-over!
When working with students, and we happen to make a wrong choice, we have the chance to apologize and do a do-over. Adults can do the do-over, too! Sometimes, we hit a rut and our body needs us to change it we do the do-over!
Things we need to NOT change: tracking and drinking water.
It's really difficult to keep up with this, but if you are not tracking OR if you have started to slack on your tracking - get with it! There is nothing wrong with writing it down in a notebook or journal, but I strongly suggest using an online program such as My Daily Plate, My Fitness Pal or one of the many others available. Why you ask? Because not only does it make it easy to be accurate, but it also helps track individual nutrients (sodium, proteins, carbs) which I find equally as important as calories.
Things we need to change:
Look back through your logs, reinvent, what seemed to work, what didn't? Sometimes we take it too far. We drastically change our ways and it's not realistic. Think about the foods you like, the foods you enjoy and think of healthy ways to reinvent them instead of cutting them out. Make sure you're not too far under - those goals are set for a reason! I've recently had that problem (barely hitting 1000 calories when I need 1900).
I easily get bored with exercise. Especially if I pick a program I want to follow - such as the Gillian Michael's videos, Couch to 5k, etc. I have to change it up. I understand those programs are good if you're looking at specific goals - such as running a 5k. However - I'm not working towards anything like that currently. I just want creative ways to burn calories. I keep a list of my cardio and strength options. A lot of times, I am looking for something quick and will resort to YouTube for some Zumba exercises or jump on the treadmill. I also have Pinterest workouts for the exercise ball, kettle bell, dumbbell and medicine ball. When I'm in a rut or "don't feel like it" I pick a new work out to change it up. While I did not exercise as I should have been, especially for being on break - I did borrow some snow shoes and took on one of the fabulous local trails. I also laced up the skates and checked out the new rink. My favourite kind of work outs - the kind that don't feel like work outs!

Snow Shoeing Selfies!
Have a bad day.
Say whaaaat? Sometimes you just need to have a bad day - get it over with. I personally think that by depriving yourself - your setting yourself up for failure. Again - be realistic. If possible, purchase individual treats instead of boxes, so you don't over indulge. But let yourself have bad days here and there (controlled bad days).
Reward yourself
Maybe with a bad day...maybe with something else. Set a goal, find a reward and follow through.
I've already started. I've let myself have a bad day, I've found some new exercises (I am going to attend a Drums Alive class next Sunday) and I'm always reinventing recipes. So far, I've rewarded myself with treats each Wednesday.
Seriously, you should be here on a Wednesday or Thursday's scary. Tonight, we stopped at a local convenience store for some scrumptious Sweet Chili Chicken Fingers. Normally, we record all of our shows and I can't recall the last time we watched a commercial. We were loving on those chicken fingers so intensely - there was no time to skip the commercials.
I hit my 15lb. mark last week, 20 lbs is hiding out somewhere nearby, so I think it's time to think big - think beyond Sweet Chilli Chicken Fingers lol.
I never go anywhere, and that's something I'm trying to work on (life is too short!). So, I have booked a night away Easter weekend. I've invited Becca to make her own goal and join me. Originally, I made a goal of losing 30lbs. by our April 1st meeting (14.4lbs, 4 weeks). I have everyone freaked out, as they feel it's too big of a goal and I'm setting myself up for failure. I appreciate their concern, but I've put lots of thought into it.
If I set a 25lb. goal - that's realistic yes, but I wouldn't need to push myself in order to reach it. However, 30lbs. I would, and that's what I need. This get away includes - a themed room at the Best Western which includes a massage chair, fire place and jacuzzi! As well as an afternoon at A Body in Knead Spa and for the finale, a new tattoo! It's probably ALL going on a credit card, but it is definitely worth the fight. Since there is so much concern, I've contemplated having 25lbs. earn my the night at the hotel, 28lbs. earning the spa day and 30lbs. earning the tattoo. But I really think I just want to go for it - commit to the 30lb. loss and really challenge myself. I need to kick my own ass, and dammit - I want that getaway - It will really hurt to call and cancel.
14.4lbs, 28 days. Come on everyone...cheer me on!!